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Astecnos Brand

Since the founding of our former company, we have nurtured an important goal that we carry to this day. Our duty in achieving these goals and how we shall conduct business moving forward is systematically consolidated into the "Astecnos Brand".

Brand Vision

Brand vision conceptualizes our aspirations, dreams, goals and meaning of existence as our corporate principle.

Brand Mission

Brand mission conceptually expresses the role we must implement to achieve our brand vision thus it is our management principle.

Brand Value

Our brand value is the core value we ultimately provide to our customers through our business activities, including dual aspects of functional and emotional value.

Code of Conduct

Guidelines for action is a set of ideas, attitudes and approach that management and employees at Astecnos must maintain and we have issued a charter of corporate code based on these beliefs.

Brand Vision

Contributory company of industrial progress while "sustaining global manufacturing".

Corporate Philosophy "Astecnos Way"

Our Ambition

Create happiness and inspiration in our society through manufacturing and realize industrial ideals.

Our Action

Empathize and stimulate each other intellectually to challenge new ideas with positive attitudes.

Brand Mission

With the motto, "Make it all come true", we aspire to be a FA Solution Provider. .

By providing technology and intelligence, we will contribute to entire industry at large.

Practice fair and sound business to gain corporate progress which will lead to the happiness of customers, employees, vendors and all of our stakeholders.

Aim for self-management where we set our own goals and plans to achieve with a culture of accountability.

Maintaining a genuine heart, heighten knowledge, passion and volition to nurture citizens who will contribute to our society.

Brand Value

Core Value

FA Solution for customers' business challenges through development of custom-made-machines.

Functional Value

  • Improve production ratio
  • Automation of production lines
  • Seamless operation of production system
  • Uniform product quality
  • Increased safety for workers
  • Reduction of human error

Emotional Value

  • Open communication with customers
  • Reliability with prompt response
  • Short lead time/Right Price
  • Satisfaction to High quality

Code of Conduct

Our corporate code of conduct is to be strictly observed by directors and employees alike for Astecnos to continually increase corporate value by engaging in various business activities.
Directors and employees at Astecnos fully recognizes that the intentions subscribed in corporate code of conduct are roles and responsibilities that shall be acted upon and we will do our very best for communication and sustainment within the company. Furthermore, we will communicate thoroughly in and outside of the company and act upon the voices we hear to facilitate effective organization and strict application of our principles.

1 Fundamental Mission
We will develop and provide not only outstanding but safe products to gain customer and shareholder's trust and satisfaction as our mission.
2 Observance of Social Standards and Practices
We will observe laws and ordinances and engage in fair, transparent, free competition and appropriate business practices.
3 Disclosure of Information
We will communicate broadly with our society in addition to our shareholders and will pro-actively disclose corporate information. Moreover, we will thoroughly manage and protect private information of our customers and others.
4 Working Environment
We will respect individuality and personality of our employees and will assure safe and comfortable working environment to enrich both physical and psychological aspects.
5 Environmental Preservation
We acknowledge environmental preservation as an essential aspect of corporate activity and we will implement it in an active manner.
6 Contribution to Society
We will actively engage in contributory activities as a standout corporate citizen.
7 Anti-social Forces
We will not associate with anti-social forces that threatens order and safety of civil society and will strictly ban any relations including transactions.
8 Global Contribution
We will observe international rules and locally governing laws and will reflect respect upon different cultures and its practices through our business activities, and we will contribute to local progress.
9 Thorough Implementation of Corporate Principles
The management fully recognizes that the intentions subscribed in corporate code of conduct are its own roles that shall be acted upon and will actively communicate it with others. Furthermore, we will communicate thoroughly in and outside of the company and act upon the voices we hear to facilitate effective organization and strict application of our principles.

Enacted on April 1, 2016
Morio Kanome
Representative Executive Officer, Astecnos Co., Ltd.